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Choose your destination:

Cambodia Fixed+Mobile

Your access number
from a fix phone:

0900 111 030

Price from a landline phone

6 cts/min + 10 cts/call

Call price rounded up to the superior 10 cts.

Call cheaper with MAXtel.ch, from 1 ct/min!

Contact details for the telephone operator MAXtel.


You need any help or you are looking to contact us for more information?

Please call our customer service at 0848 111 350 Or fill in the form below. MAXtel will answer to your questions within one workingday time.

If you want to indicate a cheaper service, click here.

Thanks in advance for your message.

The fields marked with * are compulsory.


First name
Phone number *
Email *
Destination you want to call
Access number:
Message *
  When using the service, the customer gives the right to the operator to use his phone number or email for promotional or information purpose.