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MAXtel.ch Make international calls from Switzerland, phone cheaper with MAXtel for as low as 1 ct/min!
Call cheaper with MAXtel.ch, from 1 ct/min!

With MAXtel it is now very easy and cheap to call abroad. You can use your own landline phone for international phone calling and start right away. To check our calling rates, please select the country you would like to call to. For more informations about cheap international calls.


MAX Promo Rates!

Call to
4 cts/min*

Connection Fee: 10 cts

3 cts/min*

Connection Fee: 10 cts

3 cts/min*

Connection Fee: 0 ct

1 ct/min*

Connection fee : 10 cts

* Call price rounded up to the superior 10 cts.

MAXtel Advantages

Call cheaper for MAXimum SAVINGS!
  • Europe from   1 ct/min.*
  • Latin America from   3 cts/min.*
  • Africa from   3 cts/min.*
  • Asia from   2 cts/min.*
MAX Confort!
  • No subscription, no registration
  • No ABO
  • No prepaiement
  • Easy and simple to use
  • Always available 24/7